Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Slows in April

The S&P Case-Shiller Index for April shows that while home prices continue to grow, they are doing so at a slower pace as compared to April 2013. The Case-Shiller 20 city index reports that home prices expanded at a year-over-year annual rate of 10.80 percent as compared to 12.40 percent in April 2013. Month-to-month data showed that home prices rose for the second consecutive month. The seasonally- adjusted month-to-month growth rate for the 20 city home price index was 0.20 percent against March's month-to-month home price growth rate of 1.20 percent. Slower Home Price Growth: A Silver Lining? According to…
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The FHA Hawk Program for New Homebuyers is Coming: Here’s How It Affects Your Mortgage Insurance Premiums

The FHA offers many new programs and incentives for new homebuyers to take advantage of so that they can be part of the effort to ease the credit crisis. If you are in the process of shopping for a mortgage prior to shopping for your new home, it can benefit you to learn about programs that you may qualify for that are being created by the Federal Housing Administration and piloted. One such plan, which is has been approved as a four-year pilot program, is referred to as the FHA HAWK Program. Read on to learn how this program works…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 23, 2014

Last week's scheduled economic news included the National Association of Home Builders /Wells Fargo Housing Market Index, Housing Starts and Building Permits. The Fed's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) issued its usual statement at the conclusion of its meeting, and Fed Chair Janet Yellen also gave a press conference. Home Builder Confidence Improves, But Housing Starts Slow NAHB released its Housing Market Index report, which reached its highest reading in five months. The index moved up from 45 to 49; a reading of 50 indicates that more builders are confident about housing market conditions than those who are not. David…
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What To Do When Your Real Estate Loan Is Declined

There are many reasons why a mortgage loan could be declined. It doesn't have to be the end of your real estate dreams. Here are a few things to consider if you've been turned down for a mortgage. Loan-To-Value Ratio The loan-to-value ratio (LTV) is the percentage of the appraised value of the property that you are trying to finance. For example, if you are trying to finance a home that costs $100,000, and want to borrow $75,000, your LTV is seventy-five percent. Lenders don't like a high LTV. The higher the ratio, the harder it is to qualify for…
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