Is A Reverse Mortgage Right For You?

Imagine the bank depositing monthly premiums into your account instead of you writing a mortgage check. That's basically how a reverse mortgage works.   Traditional mortgages involve people paying down the interest and principal on a home loan. The goal is generally to pay off the property and cruise through retirement without that monthly installment eating at your budget. With your home paid off, those previously allotted finances can be used to relax and enjoy your retirement to the fullest. That's the best-case scenario anyway. But financial life has changed significantly over the past half-century. The formula for economic security…
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What To Ask About How Loan Application Data Is Kept Private

After hackers breached Equifax and stole vital financial records of 145 million Americans, people have a right to be afraid of disclosing personal information. That's why it's imperative that lending institutions to do everything in their power to protect your privacy. When a prospective home buyer submits a loan application, defining information such as date of birth, home address, social security number, credit cards, bank accounts, and pay stubs are included. Basically, everything a hacker needs to penetrate an individual's financial world is disclosed on a loan application. If you are applying for a mortgage, get answers to these and…
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4 Things You Should Know About Conventional Mortgage Rates

Securing the best conventional mortgage rate possible can pose a challenge for even veteran property buyers. Your mortgage rate will be determined by a variety of factors that pertain to your unique financial portfolio as well as economic forces. While no one has full control over all of the things that influence the process, understanding the manageable aspects can improve your negotiation position when securing a conventional mortgage. Consider these four things that impact how conventional mortgage rates are determined. 1: Credit Is King A borrower's credit score has a tremendous impact on the final mortgage rate. The general rule…
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4 Things You Should Know About Conventional Mortgage Rates

Securing the best conventional mortgage rate possible can pose a challenge for even veteran property buyers. Your mortgage rate will be determined by a variety of factors that pertain to your unique financial portfolio as well as economic forces. While no one has full control over all of the things that influence the process, understanding the manageable aspects can improve your negotiation position when securing a conventional mortgage. Consider these four things that impact how conventional mortgage rates are determined. 1: Credit Is King A borrower's credit score has a tremendous impact on the final mortgage rate. The general rule…
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