5 Options To Consider When Your Appraisal Comes In Low

Yikes! You are set on buying the home that you picked out and the appraisal comes back at a lower amount than the amount needed for the home loan to be approved. What do you do? After you calm down your significant other and then take three deep breaths, here are some options to consider. Request A New Appraisal Appraisals are only one person's professional opinion. There are rules that must be followed when making an appraisal; however, there is still some flexibility in how to apply the rules. Check the comparables (also called "comps") that the appraiser used as…
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5 Key Tips To Prepare For A Quick Mortgage Approval

Whether you're finally prepared to get into the real estate market or you want to know how you can make a deal quick, there are a few necessary documents you'll need to prove your reliability to a mortgage lender. Here are the documents you'll want to have on hand when the time comes. Previous Tax Returns In order to ensure the earnings information you've provided to the lender, you'll need to have your tax returns for the two years prior to your mortgage application. In addition, you may also be required to provide your W-2s as backup documentation. Bank Statements…
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8 Ways To Maintain A Great Credit Score

Having an excellent credit score is very useful. The following are some tips on how to maintain a superb credit score. Open Credit Accounts When You Do Not Need Them If you don't have any credit accounts, you will have a low score. The best time to open them is when you do not need them. Keep a small balance on them and pay it all off at the end of each month to avoid paying interest. Charge Up To Half The Credit Limit Then Pay It All Back Within A Few Months If you must use a credit line,…
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Managing Finances Before Applying For A Mortgage

Are you planning on using a mortgage to help cover the cost of a new home? If so, you will want to prepare your finances and figure out how you will manage all those wallet-draining monthly expenses. Let's take a look at how to run a quick financial health check to ensure you are ready to apply for a mortgage. Update (Or Start) Your Monthly Budget First, it is essential to get the basics out of the way. If you haven't already, it's time to start a monthly budget to keep track of your income and expenses. Once you have…
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