Understanding ‘Disposable Income’ and How This Will Impact Your Mortgage Approval

There are few things more exciting than finding your ideal home, but with the rising cost of housing, a person's dream home can often come with a very high purchase price. If you're wondering how much home you can truly afford and how your cost of living will fare for your mortgage approval, here are some of the details on what you can expect when it comes to finding a home at an affordable price. What Is Your Debt-to-Income Ratio? Before deciding if a home is right for you, it's important to calculate what your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is to…
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3 Different Types of Loan That Will Negatively Impact Your Ability to Get a Mortgage

A good credit rating is built on a number of financial factors including paying your bills on time and the length of your credit history, but loans can also be a source of bolstering your credit score in a positive way. While this means that loans can actually be a good thing, there are also the kinds of loans that can have a damaging impact on acquiring a mortgage. If you'll soon be pursuing your own home purchase, here are some loans that may have a negative impact. Borrowing For Education When you are young, student loans are an ideal…
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