In a Hurry to Buy a Home? Speed Your Mortgage Approval up by Following This Checklist

Have you finally found your dream home after months of searching, only to discover that the seller has received other offers? Few circumstances can raise your stress level as much as finding yourself in a bidding war against another buyer. However, being unprepared by not having your finances in order can make the situation even worse. Let's take a quick look at a few ways that you can speed up your mortgage approval if you are in a hurry to buy your next home. Pull Your Credit Report ASAP The first step you will want to do is check your…
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Owning vs Renting: Why High Rents Are Worse Than a Mortgage over the Long Term

If you're at the stage in life where home ownership is nearly within your reach, you're probably wondering whether you should start looking for a home or whether you should just keep renting. Renting is easier, people say, and it gives you more mobility. But over the long term, all that rent money can really add up - and it eventually reaches a point where buying a home is a better deal. So why is paying a high rent a worse option than buying a house and getting a mortgage? Here's what you need to know. Renting Doesn't Generate Equity…
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4 Financial Benefits of Home Ownership

Home ownership may be one of the most familiar goals of adulthood, but there's more than one reason why so many people flock towards this type of investment and leave the rental market behind. If you're trying to decide if you should make the big plunge towards buying, here are some benefits of saving up for a down payment and finding the right place to settle in. It's More Economical Many people eschew home ownership simply because it can be hard to wrangle together the funds for a down payment. However, while a monthly rental is money you'll never see…
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How Do I Know If It’s a Good Idea to Refinance My Mortgage?

Are you interested in paying less per month on your mortgage? Or perhaps you would prefer if your mortgage was paid off a couple of months – or years – faster? If you are a homeowner with a mortgage, one option that is open to you is refinancing. In today's post, we will explore the topic of mortgage refinancing and how to know if it is a good idea. How Does Refinancing Work? In short, refinancing is a process in which pay off your existing mortgage and borrow a new mortgage under a different set of terms. In most cases,…
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