Getting Past No: What To Do If You’re Turned Down For A Mortgage Or Other Home Financing

Getting pre-approved for a mortgage loan is an integral part of having the ability to purchase a home in today's society. With most home prices well above what the majority of us have in the bank, getting approved for a mortgage can be the deal maker or breaker when it comes to purchasing a piece of property. Therefore, getting rejected for a mortgage can feel like a huge loss. The first thing to realize, however, is that there are action steps you can take to get to "yes." Here's what to do if you're turned down for a mortgage or…
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Is It Best To Put Down A Large Down Payment, Or Be Agile With Your Savings?

Putting down the largest sum of money at your disposal might seem like the best way to go when it comes to your mortgage down payment. There is a certain amount of truth to this, but the reality is bigger is not always better. Ideally, the amount of money you settle on for your mortgage down payment will take into account your monthly budgeting requirements. The Big Advantages Of A Large Down Payment Fewer Mortgage Payments: The larger the down payment, the higher the likelihood that you will be able to afford a shorter mortgage. Unlike some of the other…
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How Will A Short Sale Affect Your Ability To Buy Another House In The Future?

The last few years have been financially difficult for millions of homeowners, with job losses and decline in home values devastating families all over the US. As a result, a great number of homes have gone through short sales, which has had a detrimental effect on consumers' credit ratings. If you've considered or experienced a short sale, one of the biggest concerns you may have is how it will impact your ability to purchase another property in the future. Here are five key variables on how a short sale can impact your next home purchase. Duration Of Delinquency Plays A…
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6 Tips For Buying An Older Home

Older Solana Beach homes sometimes offer more charm and character than the newer houses of today. They boast gabled roofs, crown moldings, hardwood floors and antique fixtures. Buying an old house is like buying a piece of local history. Its beautiful period features can give it a timeless beauty and grace that is hard to resist. However, buying a house from another era can be an endeavor fraught with potential problems. Older houses are not necessarily built to the same electrical or plumbing standards of today. Plus, if they have not been maintained correctly through the years, they can turn…
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