5 Steps Towards a Better Credit Score You Can Take Today

When it comes to finding the best mortgage, your credit score is a major determinant as to the kinds of rates and conditions you can get. Lenders quite understandably want to manage their risk. But for a number of potential homeowners, these practices and policies can be a barrier to home ownership. The good news? If your credit score isn't great, you can easily improve it and get better lending terms. Here are five steps you can take right now to give your credit a boost. Get Your Annual Credit Report And Dispute Errors Simply disputing errors on your credit…
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Three Ways That Your Credit Score Affects Your Mortgage (and Your Chance of Obtaining One!)

If you're thinking of buying a home, you've probably been thinking a lot about your credit score as well. Credit scores control so much of what we do in the world of finances, but what does your credit score really have to do with your mortgage? Here are three ways that your credit score could impact your mortgage application. Your Credit Score Affects Your Ability To Get A Mortgage The first thing your credit score tells a lender is whether they should lend to you at all. In some cases, if you have a very low credit score, you may…
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Understanding Your Credit Score And How It Impacts Your Home Ownership Prospects

Understanding your credit score and how it impacts your home ownership prospects your credit score is an important part of your financial profile. It has a direct impact on your ability to take out loans. The score itself is a numerical reflection of your credit history. It gives lenders a way to discern your reliability before approving a loan like a mortgage for instance. Though this is the basic function of a credit score, it can also have a far-reaching influence over other aspects of home ownership. Mortgage Loan Approval: Will Your Score Make the Cut? First and foremost, the…
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