Have You Outgrown Your Current Home? Here Are Five Easy Ways to Tell if It’s Time to Upgrade

Your home is your castle, your own little piece of the American dream. But lately, your little corner of the world has been feeling cramped and you find yourself eyeing those larger homes. Is it time to pull up stakes and move on from your starter home? Growing Family If you've added to your family in recent years, you may have more bodies than bedrooms. A two-bedroom home may have been a great idea when it was just you and your spouse, but with two kids, you're starting to have turf wars over the play area. Overflowing With Stuff From…
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Buying for the First Time? The Ultimate Guide to Surviving the Mortgage Process

If you have heard nightmarish stories from friends and family members about the home mortgage application process, you are not alone. In fact, some of these stories may have even been a reason why you have held out on moving forward with your plans to purchase your first-home. While some have indeed had unpleasant experiences, the fact is that there is nothing to be intimidated about. When you follow a few easy tips, you can streamline the process and navigate through it with minimal effort or stress. Find The Right Mortgage Professional To Work With One of the best steps…
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Buying a Second Home? Assessing Your Finances to Ensure You Can Afford a Second Mortgage

The decision to buy a second home may be made for a number of reasons. For example, you may have a destination where you and your family love to spend free time in, and you may be ready to settle into your own space in this location. You may considering the tax benefits associated with a second home, and you may even have plans to live in the home as your primary residence after you retire. While there may be numerous benefits associated with the purchase of your second home, you may be concerned about how affordable it will be…
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Three Excellent Reasons to Buy a Home So You Can Get out of the “Renting Rut”

Renting a home is a good option for some, but buying a home just might be the best thing for you. When you rent a home, you send money to someone else every month in exchange for knowing that you can call on your landlord when the roof leaks, an appliance stops working or your bathroom faucet breaks. There are some big advantages to buying a house that will help you get out of your renting rut and focus more on your future. Build Equity Did you know that when you rent a home, you help someone else build equity?…
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