Tax Deductions Homeowners Can Claim During Tax Season

Even though owning a home comes with some significant expenses, some of them are tax-deductible. With many people looking for ways to lower their income tax, there are a few expenses tied to the house that every homeowner should consider. This could make a significant difference in their final tax bills, and it could lead to a large tax refund. Home Repair Costs There are a lot of people who need to make repairs to their houses during the course of the year. In particular, if you have recently purchased a house, you may need to do a bunch of…
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How Much Will Your Child Tax Credit Be?

There are millions of homeowners that are parents waiting for their advance child tax credits to arrive; however, they might not be sure exactly how much money they are going to get. This makes it difficult to set a budget. Some parents could expect to receive $300 per month between now and December. The rest of the credit should arrive after filing their tax returns next year. How much will parents receive? The Process Of Calculating A Child Tax Credit Because of recent changes in federal tax laws, the expanded child tax credit has increased the limit from $2,000 (the…
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5 Important Tips To Save Money On Your Tax Bill

April 15th seems a long way off, but it will be here before you know it. Now is the perfect time to start getting your paperwork in order. Owning real estate can make a big difference on your tax return, so make sure that you're taking advantage of all the deductions you're entitled to. We've outlined a few below: Mortgage Interest Unless you paid cash for your purchase, you probably took out a loan to buy your Solana Beach home. Mortgage interest is one of the best tax deductions available, so be sure to hang on to that 1098 Mortgage…
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Tax Breaks Granted By The 2012 Fiscal Cliff Negotiations

There was plenty of discussion and debate leading up to the New Year's looming "fiscal cliff". Ultimately, the event was avoided, but not before legislation was passed which may benefit homeowners in Solana Beach and nationwide.  If you have yet to file your 2012 taxes, take a minute to review the tax limitations and credit extensions, which Congress passed through the HR 8 legislation. You'll want to ensure you're paying the proper tax bill come April 15. Of course, every individual's tax situation is unique. Review your allowable deductions and credits with your tax preparer. Energy Updates The tax credit…
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