Young Home Buyers Are A Growing Trend

A new group of young American adults is emerging as home buyers. These are the young adults who were born after 1995 and are part of the demographic group named Generation Z (Gen Z). In 2019, there are 31.5 million Gen Z members who are adult age. This will increase to 44.5 million adults in this demographic group by 2032 as all the younger members become adults. Right now, there are around 14 million adults in the Gen Z category who are using credit for the first time. Not Too Young To Buy A Home Transunion reports that most Gen…
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Are Tiny Homes Here To Stay?

The average size of an American home has been increasing since the 1970s. The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) reports that, in 1973, the median size for a new home in the United States was 1,660 square feet. Over the past 45 years or so, this increased by more than 1,000 square feet. The median size of a new home is now 2,687 square feet. The Problem With Big Houses At first, a big house is appealing until one tries to clean it or pay the utility bills. Many baby boomers, who are now nearing retirement age, are downsizing, especially if…
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Join Or Create A Real Estate Investors’ Pool For Fun And Profit

Many baby boomers are reaching retirement age. If they set up their financial planning well, while younger, they should have accumulated enough wealth to have some discretionary money available for making investments. Others, who may be just starting out, have some investment capital but not necessarily enough to buy a piece of commercial real estate on their own. These investors might enjoy a real estate investment pool, also called an investors' club. Pooling Resources One way to get some investment participation in real estate is to pool investment funds needed to have enough for the down payment on a piece…
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Should You Relocate A House To Improve Its Value?

What can be done with a house that is just perfect but it is in a bad neighborhood or a dangerous spot? Think about homes that are in decent condition; yet, too close to the water. America is experiencing flooding now that is not supposed to happen in 500 years. That cute little beach bungalow could easily get wiped out in the next hurricane. It might be time to think about moving those homes to a safer area or higher ground. The International Association of Structural Movers says that around 8,000 homes are moved each year in America. Relocation may…
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