Do You Have Enough Of A Down Payment Saved Up?

If you are planning on purchasing a home in the near future, you need to make sure you have enough money saved up. While there are a lot of expenses that go along with purchasing a home, the biggest expense is the down payment. The common belief is that people have to put 20 percent down; however, even if you don’t have 20 percent saved up, you might still be able to purchase a home. It will depend on whether you can get a lender to provide a loan that is greater than 80 percent of the purchase price of…
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Photography Tricks To Watch Out For When Buying A Home Online

With COVID and social distancing keeping people apart, buying a home in person has become a real challenge. Digital tools and online presentations of homes for sale have ramped up in response, making it possible to see properties with both static images/photos and with “360 degree” views or interactive walkthroughs. However, these are not real-time images of the home itself. They are professionally-developed representations of a property, and a lot of software work goes into making those images marketing ready. Photographic Tools of the Trade If a listing has included images created by a professional photographer, he or she will…
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Pantone Colors: Should You Repaint Before You Sell?

Pantone is a universal language of color that you can use to select beautiful colors to paint the home. Interestingly, each year, Pantone selects a color of the year that embodies what's happening in society.  In 2021, the Pantone color of the year was awarded to two colors, Illuminating 13-0647 and Ultimate Gray 17-5104. These two colors highlight how two different elements can come together and support each other. This is the thought behind selecting them based on what has occurred over the last year.  The bold yellow and deeper gray capture feelings of promise, friendliness, and thoughtfulness, which may be…
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How Does A Change In Mortgage Rates Impact A Family’s Housing Budget?

The housing market is extremely competitive right now because mortgage rates are still near record lows. While mortgage rates are rising this year, the rates are still attractive to many individuals and families who are looking to buy a home. At the same time, when mortgage rates change, families need to re-evaluate their budgets. A change in mortgage rates will impact the monthly mortgage payment, so families need to know what they can afford. Furthermore, because the market is so competitive, sale prices are going up as well. As mortgage rates and home prices rise, families need to determine what…
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