How to Run a Quick Financial Health Check Before You Apply for a Mortgage

Are you planning on using a mortgage to help cover the cost of a new home? If so, you will want to prepare your finances and figure out how you will manage all those wallet-draining monthly expenses. Let's take a look at how to run a quick financial health check to ensure you are ready to apply for a mortgage. Update (Or Start) Your Monthly Budget First, it is essential to get the basics out of the way. If you haven't already, it's time to start a monthly budget to keep track of your income and expenses. Once you have…
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Why Your ‘Debt-to-Income Ratio’ Number Matters When Obtaining a Mortgage

If you are looking to buy a home, you may want to consider shopping for a loan first. Having your financing squared away ahead of time can make it easier to be taken seriously by buyers and help move along the closing process. For those who are looking to get a mortgage soon, keep in mind that the Debt-to-Income ratio of the borrower plays a huge role in the approval of your mortgage application. What is a Debt-to-Income Ratio? A debt-to-income ratio is the percentage of monthly debt payments compared to the amount of gross income that a person earns…
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Thinking About a New Home? 3 Reasons Why a Mortgage Will Be the Best Money You Ever Borrow

In these days of low interest rates, it can be a great idea to get into the real estate market and invest in a home. However, if you don't have the funds saved up to buy a home outright, it may seem like more of a burden than it's worth. The good news is that you might qualify for a mortgage loan, which tends to come with more favorable terms than a traditional bank loan. Here are three reasons why a mortgage might just be the best money you ever borrow. Taking Advantage Of Low Interest Interest rates have been…
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What Do First-Time Homebuyers Need To Know?

If you are purchasing a house for the first time, you are probably excited to imagine what your life might look like in a bunch of different houses. At the same time, the process can be a bit overwhelming. The housing market is competitive right now, the financing process can be confusing, and you might not know exactly what you are looking for. What are a few of the most important tips first-time home buyers need to know? Reach Out To Experts For Help First, you need to reach out to professionals who can help you during the process. For…
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