Should You Be Worried About Skipping Multiple Mortgage Payments? Yes, and Here’s Why

From time to time, a homeowner may struggle to make a mortgage payment on time. Most will be able to make the missing payment a week or two later when the next paycheck arrives. However, others may find themselves in a situation where they are unable to make multiple payments in a row. If you are skipping multiple mortgage payments, you should be concerned about your financial situation. There are several important reasons why you may want to take action to improve your situation or to work out a payment arrangement with your mortgage company. Falling Too Far Behind To…
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Thinking About Buying a Rental Property? 3 Reasons You’ll Want to Get a Mortgage Pre-Approval

A rental property is a wonderful investment option to consider, and it can provide you with everything from considerable tax benefits to appreciation and monthly cash flow. While you may be eager to get started searching for a new rental property to invest in, a good idea is to take the initial step to get pre-approved for your mortgage. There are several good reasons why a pre-approval is an important first step to take. Determining What Sales Price to Consider The mortgage rules and guidelines for an investment or non-owner occupied property are different than those for an owner occupied…
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The Pros and Cons of Putting in More Than 20 Percent as a Down Payment on Your New Home

One of the most common questions home buyers ask today relates to how much money they need to put down on a home. There are mortgage requirements in place that establish minimum down payment requirements, and some home buyers will barely have enough to pay the minimum down payment as well as closing costs. However, if you have access to more money, you may be wondering if you should make a larger down payment. There are several points to consider to determine if making a larger down payment is right for your financial situation. Having Liquid Assets Available After Closing…
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You Ask, We Answer: How Often Should I Refinance the Mortgage on My House?

Refinancing a home mortgage can provide you with an incredible range of benefits. These include everything from reducing your mortgage term and lowering your payments to helping you more effectively build equity or pulling equity out to use for beneficial purposes. One common question that many homeowners ask is how often a mortgage should be refinanced. While there are benefits associated with mortgage refinancing, there are also some points to consider before you rush into the process. Think About Refinancing Costs First, remember that each mortgage application will come with refinancing costs. These costs can equate to thousands of dollars…
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