Lowballing 101: How to Avoid Insulting a Home Seller when Making a Low Offer for Their House or Condo

Buying a home is a huge step for people who are ready to make an investment in their future. Getting a great deal on a home is just as important and knowing how much to offer could be confusing. It is important to make sure the home seller is not insulted by the lowball offer and is ready to negotiate to make sure everyone wins. Make a List of Necessary Improvements One of the best ways to validate a lowball offer on a home is to list improvements that need to be made to the property. If the home needs…
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Experiencing ‘Purchase Anxiety’? How to Calm Your Nerves Before Committing to Buy a New Home

Whether this is your first big purchase, or your family is moving to a new location or looking for more space, buying a home has its share of ups and downs. It's perfectly normal to feel anxious about whether or not you've found the right property. Here are some things you can do to make yourself feel more secure with your decision. Do The Math You've probably already done this, but it's okay to go over it a number of times to be sure. Factor in your household income and all the bills you expect to pay every month. Add…
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Five Absolute Truths About the Home Buying Process That You Will Need to Come to Terms With

Buying a home is one of the most exciting times that an individual will undertake in life. However, a property purchase is not without its challenges, and these can cause frustration. In this article we'll share five potential setbacks that home buyers will need to understand and come to terms with to make a successful purchase. Homeowner's Insurance is Necessary Most lenders will require insurance before financing is approved. To fulfill these requirements, the policy should be for at least one year and proof that the policy has been paid for must be presented. Purchasing the policy is something that…
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Buying a House or Condo? Why the Home Inspection Process is One You Won’t Want to Skimp On

Once you have found that perfect home with the right price and every little feature you were hoping for, it's important to keep in mind that the home has been presented in a way that accentuates its highlights and shadows any flaws. For this reason, it is crucial that you get a home inspection before completing a purchase. Many sellers also have inspectors investigate the home in order to determine its sale value. As such, they should be aware that a prospective buyer will want to request an independent inspection to verify the findings. Reasons For Home Inspections If you…
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