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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week : February 4, 2012

Mortgage rates worsened last week amid evidence of an improving economy. Conforming mortgage rates climbed in Illinois and nationwide, rising to a 4-month high. Freddie Mac has the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate at 3.53% for borrowers willing to pay 0.7 discount points plus a full set of closing costs. There was plenty of news on which for rates to move last week. First, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) met and voted to hold the Fed Funds Rate in its current target range near 0.00 percent. The Fed also recommitted to purchasing mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and Treasury securities…
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Help Your Home Office Shine When Selling Your Property

With telecommuting continuing to rise, and with more jobs requiring after-hours attention, showcasing your home's "home office" can help it show better with a prospective home buyer.  It's wise to have your kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms show well, but a great-looking home office can make a huge impact and help you sell your home more quickly. Here are a few tips to helping your home office shine : Designate The Right Space Whether it's a spare bedroom or a computer nook, specify a separate place at which business is done. Make sure the area has enough room to set up…
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Breaking Down The Federal Reserve Statement (January 2013 Edition)

The Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voted to maintain the Federal Funds Rate within its current range of zero to 0.25 percent, and to continue its current stimulus program of purchasing $85 billion monthly in Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities (MBS). Citing weather-related events such as Hurricane Sandy and drought in the Midwest, the committee said in its statement that information received since its December 2012 meeting "suggests that growth in economic activity has paused in recent months in large part because of weather-related disruptions and other transitory factors." Concerns over the then-looming fiscal cliff crisis may have…
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How To Paint Your Home’s Exterior Walls

When preparing to sell a home, few things improve its curb appeal more than a fresh coat of exterior paint.   Many people are intimidated by the thought of painting their home's exterior, and choose to hire a third-party to handle the work. But, you can do it yourself, with these easy steps. First, before starting, you'll want to inspect your home. Examine all walls, look under the eaves, and pay attention to door frames and windows.  Be on the lookout for peeling paint, mildew and rough surfaces and make a note of them. Next, gather the tools you'll need…
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