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3 Tips To Get The Best Results On Your Mortgage Application

Although the financial markets have tightened lending guidelines and financing requirements over the last few years, the right advice when applying for your loan can make a big difference. Not all loans are approved. And even when they aren't approved immediately, it doesn't have to be the end of your real estate dreams. There are many reasons why a mortgage loan for the purchase of your real estate could be declined. Here are a few things to understand and prepare for when applying for a mortgage: Loan-to-Value Ratio The loan-to-value ratio (LTV) is the percentage of the appraised value of…
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Look For Improvements In The Real Estate Market In 2013

The previous couple years' doom and gloom outlook is looking like it is turning more upbeat and robust for the rest of 2013. Home Prices Climb Nearly 10% Over Past Year In fact, a recently released report by CoreLogic stated that home prices were up 9.7 percent from one year previously. That kind of increase is a very good sign that the momentum may be building for a strong real estate market this year. Many other economic experts are predicting that things might be improving this year, including increases in both home prices and sales. Here are some of the…
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Metro Area Home Values Continue To Shine

The Standard and Poor’s Case-Shiller Home Price Indices released February 26 show strong growth in the majority of 20 cities and corresponding metro areas tracked during 2012. The S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices measure home prices nationally and locally by compiling data from individual indexes including a 10-City Composite Index,  a 20-City Composite Index, and a 20-Metro Area Index that includes metro areas for each of the 20 cities used in the 20-City Composite. Metro Areas Show Nearly Universal Growth 19 of 20 metro areas showed higher home prices in Q 4 2012 with the New York metro area showing…
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5 Simple Indoor Do-It-Yourself Projects for Your Home

With spring right around the corner, you might be thinking about sprucing up your Solana Beach home. However, it may not yet be time to work in the garden or on other outside endeavors. If cabin fever has been setting in, this is a great time for indoor improvements to brighten your living space and get you warmed up to work outside when the seasons change. Whether it's over-stuffed closets or cluttered garages, everyone has a problem area or two on their property that has not been touched in a while. Below are a 5 simple ideas to get you…
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