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Simple Tips To Help Your Flowerbeds Flourish This Spring

Flowerbeds can be a very attractive addition to any Solana Beach home -- if you have the time to set up and maintain them. Flowerbeds don't necessarily require a profusion of costly flowers that need to be fertilized, mulched, covered during severe weather, and possibly re-planted on a yearly basis. So put on your green thumb and brave the outdoors this spring. With the tips below, you'll keep your flowerbeds filled and your house looking cheery without a huge money or time commitment. Weed Eradication Before you even start picking out roses and tulips, take care of the weeds. Gardens…
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Avoid These Common Mistakes When Pricing Your Home To Sell

It can be very difficult to determine what your property is worth in the current marketplace, because you are biased by what the property is worth to you. These emotions can get in the way of impartially evaluating a property and often cause sellers to overprice their home. When pricing your property, you need to be objective and reasonable so you can come up with a selling price that will capture the interest of buyers. Here are a few examples of common mistakes people make when pricing their house for sale. Reading Too Much Into Online Comparable Properties Avoid relying…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – May 20, 2013

Last week was jam-packed with economic news; here are some highlights with emphasis on housing and mortgage related news: Monday: Retail sales for April increased to -0.1 percent from the March reading of -0.5 percent and also surpassed Wall Street's downward forecast of -0.6 percent. Retail sales are important to economic recovery as sales of goods and services represent approximately 70 percent of the U.S. economy. Tuesday: The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) released its Small Business Optimism Index for April with encouraging results. April's index rose by 2.6 points to 92.1. A reading of 90.7 indicates economic recovery. This…
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Benefits Of Owning A Green Home You May Not Have Considered

Going green is not just a new trend; it is a way of life that benefits not only the environment, but also your health — and your pocketbook. Green living cuts down on carbon emissions and creates a healthier environment both inside and outside of a home. While green structures sometimes cost more initially, the money (and environment) saved in the long run is well worth the investment. Health Benefits Owning a green Solana Beach home has significant health benefits. Many conventional buildings are not properly ventilated and indoor air quality is often more polluted than the air outside. Poor…
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