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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – July 22nd, 2024

The week after the inflation data reports was expected to be relatively quiet, with the most significant event being a meeting with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. He remained tight-lipped about when rate cuts would happen, but given his demeanor, he did not deny that rate cuts were on the way — simply that he would not indicate when they would arrive. This has only confirmed to lending partners and the broader market that they were right to feel optimistic that rate cuts are possible before the end of the year. There were a few cyclical reports released, with the…
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How to Manage a Mortgage After a Career Change

A career change is usually an exciting journey, it offers new opportunities and growth. It can also bring challenges when you have a mortgage to manage. Balancing a new job and financial commitments can be stressful, but with the right strategies, you can stay on top of your mortgage payments and maintain your financial stability. 1. Assess Your New Financial SituationThe first step is to thoroughly assess your new financial situation. Understand your new income, any changes in benefits, and how these impact your overall budget. You should be considering the following: New Salary: Calculate your take-home pay after taxes…
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Can You Refinance a Reverse Mortgage Loan?

When you first opted for a reverse mortgage, it might have felt like the perfect solution to tap into your home equity and enjoy your retirement without monthly mortgage payments. As time passes, your financial situation, goals, or the market itself can change, making you wonder: "Can I refinance my reverse mortgage?" The answer is yes, but it’s essential to understand what is involved before making a move. Why Consider Refinancing Your Reverse Mortgage? Lower Interest Rates: Just like traditional mortgages, reverse mortgage rates can fluctuate. If current rates are significantly lower than when you first took out your loan,…
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Hard Inquiry vs. Soft Inquiry — What’s the Difference?

Knowing the difference between a hard inquiry vs soft inquiry can help you maintain a good credit score. Here's what you need to know. Most people know that your credit score can drop if you miss a payment or have a new collection filed against you. But how about when you apply for new credit? Yes, a credit application will trigger a “hard inquiry” on your report, which can have an impact on your credit score. Here’s what to know about hard inquiries, and how they compare with “soft inquiries.” What is a Hard Inquiry? Hard inquiries occur when you…
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