What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – January 29th, 2024

It was an uneventful week for the data reports, as the majority of the interest waits for the Federal Reserve’s rate decision heading into the following week. One of the most notable reports is for New Home Sales, which had managed to greatly exceed the projections for the end of the year moving into January. It is an early sign that there is a surge in response to the week-to-week rate cuts we have been observing over the last two weeks. The second largest data reports come from the PCE Index and preliminary projections for the Q1 GDP statistics. It…
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Are You Ready for Home Ownership? Find Out by Answering These 4 Questions

Do you ever dream about a larger, roomier, or more luxurious living space? Or perhaps just want to experience the joy of owning your own home and building your net worth instead of renting? Let's explore a few questions that can help to answer whether or not you're ready for a new lifestyle as a homeowner. Can You Realistically Afford To Buy A Home? The first consideration to make is a financial one: can you afford it? Buying a home is a significant financial investment. In most cases, you'll need to manage monthly mortgage payments for many years. The good…
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Maximizing Your Mortgage: Unveiling Strategies for Faster Payoff and Interest Savings

Owning a home is a significant milestone, but the burden of a mortgage can loom large. Fortunately, there are various strategies to expedite your journey to mortgage-free living, ultimately saving you money on interest payments. We will discuss mortgage payment strategies, such as bi-weekly payments, extra payments, and more, to empower homeowners in their quest for financial freedom. Bi-Weekly Payments: The Power of Half Payments: Traditional mortgage payments occur monthly, resulting in 12 payments annually. However, by switching to a bi-weekly payment schedule, you effectively make half of your monthly payment every two weeks. This results in 26 half-payments per…
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10 Tips to Secure Your Home While You’re on Vacation

A vacation is a time to relax and unwind, but it's essential to ensure that your home remains safe while you're away. Nobody wants to return from a fantastic trip to find their home has been broken into. With a few precautionary measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of your home becoming an easy target for theft. Here are ten tips to help secure your home while you're on vacation: Notify Trusted Neighbors or Friends: Let a few close neighbors or friends know about your travel plans. They can keep an eye on your property, pick up mail, and…
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