Escrow Analysis: Your Key to Understanding Mortgage Payments

Escrow might sound like a fancy term, but it's not rocket science. Let’s break it down into simple terms. In simple terms, an escrow analysis is a review of your escrow account conducted by your mortgage lender. Think of it as a regular check-up for your escrow account. You might be wondering, what is an escrow account? An escrow account holds funds collected with your monthly mortgage payment to cover expenses like property taxes, homeowners insurance, and sometimes even mortgage insurance. Why It Matters Without a proper escrow analysis, you might end up short on cash when those tax and…
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Get The Overview On Escrow Accounts

Whether you are purchasing a new home or you are considering applying to refinance your home, chances are the lender will require an escrow account. These accounts are often a source of confusion for homeowners. In reality, these accounts benefit the homeowner and help protect the lender. What Is An Escrow Account? Escrow accounts are sometimes called "impound" accounts. These accounts are set up to help manage payments of property taxes and homeowner's insurance. Depending on the individual requirements of the lender, you may be asked to pay as much as one-quarter of these upfront and they will be put…
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